Eden Gil


Simplifying the daily operations of Coral World’s employees by crafting a modern project and livestock management app




User experience       User interface 



The company

Coral world is a global group of underwater viewing centers, providing tourist attractions and preserving marine life.
One of their establishments is the Eilat Red Sea Underwater Observatory.


Design a full scale operation system for task and live stock management from architecture to hand-off.
The project included both user and admin side.


Wearing two hats makes daily operations complex and hard to track

Tourist attraction

The Observatory’s main goal is to serve as a tourist attraction. Managing a big park isn’t easy, it requires to perform a lot of daily tasks and some unique ones. All of those require tracking…

Marine life conservation

The park also serves as a marine life conservation institute. The observatory has to monitor livestock quantities to report to governmental bodies and wildlife preservation institutes such as Israel Nature and Parks Authority etc.
The Opportunity
Progressing to the digital world. An app, installed on tablets, will make the operation much easier and can help the staff deal with tasks while working at the park.

“It’s extremely hard work, and we do all that manually!”

To create a brand-new operation system and tailor it to the observatory’s exact needs, I’ve interviewed the employees and the CEO.
That gave me a better understanding of their pain points and their current approach while operating.

The findings showed that the operation works in a funnel-like structure.
I’ve decided that the systems user flow should be similar, in order to ease the transformation to the digital environment.


An idea sparked from a past occupation revealed the solution.

At first, I reviewed products from the same field.
It proved useful but they missed some features, looked old-fashioned, and counterintuitive.
So to conduct quality research, I decided to explore a different angle and looked at project management apps like Asana, Trello, and Jira.

I used to wait tables at a restaurant during my days as a student Which sparked the idea to get inspiration from apps like Tab-it and Beecomm, to get the “on the move” point of view.

The product offers

A user-centered designed app, that is comfortable to operate while walking at the marine park.

Users can monitor livestock, add or check their assignments,
and generate reports.
admins can also send messages to their employees and do the task management straight from the app.

Task management

Scheduled and special tasks areas assigned to employees. Easy to track and mark off.

Livestock ID cards

Containing all the information needed for the employees about the chosen fish / coral / invertebrate / plant.


Data collection system that willallow the users to issue reports and track livestock quantities for each exhibit.


Intended user input is crucial in order to tailor the product to their specific needs.

This project allowed me to learn a lot about the interesting world of sea observatory management.
I’ve learned most from talking with the employees. Their inputs guided me and affirmed some of my inspiration for design decisions.

It was also one of my first projects where I had full ownership of the entire UX process, allowing me to test my time management abilities while working with the client.

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Forever curious, eager to learn new things and how they work.
I believe that by understanding it first, any complex system can get an elegant and simple design.